22 May 2015

finally cracked the resin!

Right, So, a while ago I bought some polyester resin from ebay my usual shopping ground. I tried and tried to get the hang of resin and It was just not going to plan, if I wanted to craft with resin I was going to have to find a new way. So after a bit of research I found a very cool website that sells resin among other things crafty. I bought some to have a play and as soon as I had the new stuff everything fell into place!! It was the resin and not me!! Yay!! 
Since then I have been crafting with the resin like mad, with bloody brilliant results!! I've been making cameo brooches for the ol steampunkers. Molds and bezels purchased from ebay at very resonable prices and the resin was bought from www.metalclay.co.uk,LOVE that site and its very good value.
Then I bought some star wars ice cube molds for fun and I made some geeky jewellery. Then I got some more molds then some more!! Too much fun!! I have just got some Dr who molds too and can't wait to use them!!
Here you can see the carnage during the making and demolding process, making up the resin is FAR messier than once it's dry and ready to demold.
I will be painting the details on to some of these resin bits. Mostly R2D2, Boba Fett and the Stormtroopers.
This is what they look like as they are drying.
The best lesson I learned through all the trial and error of resin is to not be cheap!! Buy a decent resin and you will get great results. Lesson firmly learned I will only buy the decent stuff from now on!

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