21 November 2014

Stan's Lego Movie Party!

So Stan will be 4 this year and he wanted a Lego Movie party so I scoured the internet for ideas there is a great blogs on BuzzFeed called The Ultimate Lego Party and Tip Junkie Lego Party with all the ideas you could ever need. Here are my versions of some of the ideas and a couple of new one's :P

First thing that needed doing was the invites and I cheaped out by using free printable ones from here Lego printable invites I printed them 4 to a page on super glossy paper, they looked great! I also added my own bit of paper that said come as your fav Lego character, but you don't need to if you don't want too!

Lego cups!
I bought some plain yellow cups and some black sticky dots. I stuck them on for eyes and then out came the sharpies for the mouths. They worked really well, I think.

Lego Plates!
Same idea as the cups, just needed different sized sticky dots. Both I bought on ebay, cheap as chips.

Decorate your own lego man!
I bought yellow A4 paper and got a template off of Google images. I then printed 20 in yellow for the kids and I also printed some on other colour paper. Cut them all out. Yep it takes a while! I then separated the other colour body's and legs and cut off heads so the kids have different coloured clothes to dress Lego man in. Then a trip to the Range for some cheap embellishments, glue sticks and scissors.
All this for less than £20! There should be some left over bits for Stan to put into his crafting box too! Win win! Sorry for potato quality pic.

Lego men peep board!
I had an old canvas in the garage so I painted it white, found a good pic on Google of some lego men, printed it out. You dont have to but I then changed the characters to one from the movie. I chose to do Wyldstyle and Benny. I grided the print out and the canvas and drew it all on with a pencil. I got Stans poster paints out and the trusty old PVA glue made a half half mix and started painting!
It needed around 3 coats of paint to be a bright solid colour that I wanted, I also drew on a colourful easy to draw/paint background. (dvd for scale, as I was out of bananas)
Next I bought a paint pen, nice thick one, good price on ebay at around £3.50
This pen! OMG I'm in love!!
Now this bit is a lil tricky as you have hardly no room for error so a nice quiet space and time to do this peeps, one mistake and you've blown it! I have made a few mistakes but I didn't think the 4 year olds would mind. :P I drew all the nice black lines on. I also pencilled in the bits on the face to be cut out.
I then cut out the faces with a stanley blade. He is Stanley trying it out. BEFORE YOU CUT THE FACE OUT ...... you will need some duck/gorilla tape. Stick it on the back of the canvas over the entire area that is to be cut out. That way when you cut it out it won't fray or curl, see the pic below.
Gorilla tapes back of the peep board/canvas.
Here's Stan again testing out the Wyldstyle side. I think he likes it!
Lastly I die cut some stars out and stuck them on with some double sided foam tape and I layered up about 4 bits to get it to sit further of the canvas. I also added some white highlights to make them look like plastic but I was informed this morning by Stan he doesn't like the white bits so it look like I'll be painting over them tonight. Doh!

Cheap Lego Crayons!
Perfect for party bags!! Super easy once you have the mold. Again purchased from ebay 2 for around £6 so well in budget. Cheap crayons from the Range again. Peel them and get the scissors out!!
Chop, Chop, Chop! Cut those bad boys up and put them into the mold. Bung the whole lot in the oven for around 15-20 mins at 175 or until they have all melted.
Just like this!! Now let it all cool down then put it somewhere cold for a bit and hey presto! Lego crayons! This also works for chocolate although you melt the coc first and squirt it in rather than bung in the oven. But its the same principle. I did the chocs first as I knew that the crayons would ruin the molds. I will add a pic of the finished product once I have taken one.

Pin the head on the lego man!
This take a lil skill on the old photocopier I used the same Lego man out line as I did for the decorate your own Lego man, except I cut off the head, blew up the body and the legs on the photocopier and then stuck them together to make an A3 sized lego man. I'm going to colour him in as he's still printed on white and a bit boring. I then took the head and on the yellow paper printed them out 2 to a A4 sheet. Back to cutting them out and using some of the sticky dots from before and a black pen comes into play for the mouths. (I will post pics of the finished product when it's finished and up on the wall)
Lego Skittles!
Now which kid doesn't like knocking things down? This idea came from something my mum did for me for my first Birthday party (which was a drummer boys party way back in 1980) She used old plastic bottles and drew/cut and stuck some grenadier guards to the bottles. It made a great skittles game. So it's my turn now to do it for my boy's party but using Lego men of course. I saved up 10 plastic water bottles and found my roll of double sided sticky tape.
Although it's much easier now as I just printed off some Lego characters on nice card and cut them out. Got the empty bottles and my trusty double sided sticky tape to stick them on. That stuff is vicious and I love it!!
Ta-da! Lego men skittles for the kids to knock down and stand up and repeat.

Lego Man Lantern!
I haven't finished this yet as I'm going to stick it altogether when I get to the hall he's having his party in, otherwise I can't flatten it to transport and they are a bit fragile when open.
Die cut some eyes/circles. cut out the mouth, teeth and tongue. I did this all by eye so dont panic if it goes wrong chuck it  away and try again! All to be stuck down with mt DS tape.

Lego Bunting!!
A5 coloured paper, Double Sided foam tape, My big Shot and some circle dies are needed for this idea. I worked out I could get 6 on each A5 sheet nicely.
Stick bits of the DS foam tape where the circles are gonna go. You must use the foam tape as it lifts the circle off the page and makes it look 3D.
I made myself a template of where the circles were going to go so I didnt mess it up, but you can do it by eye if you don't mind a few wonky ones.
Then I started sticking the circles on.
Et voila! Next I got out the hole punch and punched holes in 2 corners and stuck the backs with hole reinforcers to give it a bit of strength. I then threaded it on to a brightly coloured ribbon. Leave plenty of slack so you can cut at will and make smaller bunting strips if you need to. More pics to come.

Wyldstyle Costume.
Next was my Wyldstyle costume of which I found another tutorial on line. Here's my version. I took an old black tracksuit and bought some "slick" fabric paint made by Tulip in neon blue and neon pink. I drew on where I was going to pipe it on with chalk first so it could easily come off if I ballsed it up, which I did several times!!
I then got a paint brush and roughly painted where I was going to pipe it on. I then started the outline and the rendering/filling in. It went on VERY thickly as you pipe it straight from the bottle and it is very hard to get a straight line or not to look blobby but there wasn't much else I could do now I had started. So on I went. I'm not very good at drawing or doing graph, so I copied it from a pic on good ol Google as best as I could.
It mentions a min 4 hr dry time on the bottle, well it bloomin lied! Mine took nearly 48 hrs to dry properly but it DID dry and it looks alright. It has turned out to be like a very thick plastic vinyl paint and I think I love it. Don't stand still in our house for too long or I will pipe some fabric paint on to you!! I hope my son approves of Mummy's Wyldstyle costume. Now to spray my blonde hair black and put some hair chalks in in blue and pink and I'm there! 

I have also made Lego brick party bags to look like Lego bricks but I haven't photographed them yet They were done the same way I did the bunting tho.

I'm planning on doing the juice box, cutlery holder and Lego food ideas from the BuzzFeed site too! If you haven't already seen it then go take a look it's brill for ideas!

I managed to get some great deals on ebay for Lego mini kits in bulk and the Lego dvds are a great cheap "big" prize for the pass the parcel at around £2-3 each. Plus ebay offered Lego men soaps and Crayons in bulk at very good prices, all home made too!! they were under Lego Favours and Lego stocking fillers. Happy hunting!

The Lego website was also brilliant for freebies coloring pics, masks to cut out and free posters to print and either use on a craft table or to put in the party bags. Great! I will post some pics once the party has happened so you can all see how he like it and what the hall looked like all decorated up!

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