09 May 2013

My craft room, tiny but perfect.

My Craft Room!

I'm soo proud of my little craft room!! I have had lots of creative materials for many, many moons, but I have never before had a place where I can store it all in one place and call my crafty own!

Not having a craft room has never stopped me making what ever I chose to when ever I like, But very recently I decided to swap precious clothes hanging space, for a place to work, with great lighting and everything within arms reach. I took 12 bags of clothes to the charity shop and dismantled the clothes poles for the loft.

Then A trip to Ikea was to be had!! For my birthday My lovely mum and nanny chipped in plus what I had saved and I bought my storage/work space. Within a week I had convinced my wonderful fiance to help me put it up! We did, and, it is!!

Here's a few snap shots of my tiny but perfectly formed craft room.

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