09 May 2013

My craft room, tiny but perfect.

My Craft Room!

I'm soo proud of my little craft room!! I have had lots of creative materials for many, many moons, but I have never before had a place where I can store it all in one place and call my crafty own!

Not having a craft room has never stopped me making what ever I chose to when ever I like, But very recently I decided to swap precious clothes hanging space, for a place to work, with great lighting and everything within arms reach. I took 12 bags of clothes to the charity shop and dismantled the clothes poles for the loft.

Then A trip to Ikea was to be had!! For my birthday My lovely mum and nanny chipped in plus what I had saved and I bought my storage/work space. Within a week I had convinced my wonderful fiance to help me put it up! We did, and, it is!!

Here's a few snap shots of my tiny but perfectly formed craft room.

Every girl needs to know how to make a pair of Tank girl rocket tits!

HOW TO: Tanks Girl Rocket Tits!!

Here is part of a Tank girl costume I made for a friend for Halloween. Rocket Tits! Tanks girl is famous for her huge knockers, that look like missiles and I thought, hey, I can do that!

I did look for an existing "How to" on it but came up quite short!! I did find one or two but they were not amazing, so I decided to do my own one!! Why not, after all that's what a blog is for...

Gallery's of all my old craftings

Ok so I have rounded all my pictures up and sorted them out into albums. Allot of the creative bits I have got up to over the years. Sooooo rather than post a new blog on each craft which would be rather self indulgent and pointless, I have decided to put them all in one simple post.... Here:
Note books                 Flowers
Teddy's                    Greetings cards
Jewellery                  Pumpkins
Cakes and Foods            Scrap booking
Crin Cyberlocks            Paintings
Misc crafty bits

Enjoy! :)